Sunday 7 September 2014

Time To Say Goodbye

The blog 'rtwozero' began a few years ago and has had over 30,000 page views from all over the world. All good things though come to an end, and today it is with great excitement that we head to the next stage of our blogging journey.


Three4Galore is the new blog for the Year 3 and 4 learning team, so please head to the blog and tell us what you think! Soon we'll have some photos of ourselves and our work up on the new blog.

Rtwozero will now be static (no new items will be added). The blog will stay open for now while we transition to our new blog.

Thanks everyone for your contributions and support over the years

From Mrs W and all of the current and former bloggers of rtwozero

Monday 1 September 2014

Spelling Week 7

Group 1 - space, moon, planet, sun, Earth
Group 2 - moon, planets, solar system, Earth, gravity
Group 3 - orbiting, solar system, ellipse, gravitational pull, crescent